Monday, February 28, 2011

You get what you deserve.

Hey guys, sorry it has been a few days. I am currently working through via word document how to approach this next issue in the pattern of false intimacy. It just seems like the words are all coming so fast that it is this mumbo jumbo of me trying to get my points across, but also blurring it altogether. While I want to give you the harsh, rough draft versions of my work, they need to also be understandable for me to consider posting them on here.

I want to thank you for all of the solid input and encouragement I've been receiving.

So while we wait a few days for me to gather my thoughts on physical intimacy, I'd like to present you with another topic to keep give your brain a little testing:

Why do we seem to constantly fall under the idea that we deserve the best out of our dating situations?

In discussing a past fling with a friend, I once stated, "Well, I just deserve better than blank blank." It made me think that I had some sort of right to believe that I deserved the best.

While I don't think it is bad to reach for the best in the dating world, I get nervous when I hear women comforting other women (I don't really know how you guys do it) and saying, "Oh honey, you deserve so much better!"

I think that I use the word (in and outside of the dating realm) in comforting those that have been hurt by others. "You didn't deserve that!"

But, if we are all undeserving of the grace that we are blessed with by Christ (for those of you believing in it), then wouldn't that also suggest that we deserve nothing? This isn't to say that we should go through relationships and be treated poorly but stick it out because we aren't deserving of anything. I'm not taking it to that extreme. I'm just curious as to where your beliefs lie in relation to that term, "deserve".

I honestly have gone back in forth for the past 24 hours debating my take on the whole thing.

Please, help me come to some conclusion!

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