Wednesday, February 23, 2011

As always...

Hello friends. This usually happens. I get this somewhat remarkable idea that I should begin one of these blogs, and after a few times of trying to keep up with it my motivation starts to fade, and I become distracted with the next best thing. That is why this time around there are no promises. I'm not out of the country, I haven't decided to try and dare myself into anything new, and for the first time in my life I believe that I am exactly where God wants me.

You may not believe in God. You may not even believe in half of the things I propose within my writing, and while I will tell you right now that I will most likely disagree with your disagreements, I welcome them with the humble recognition that I, myself, could be wrong. In fact, several times I am blatantly wrong, obviously wrong, ridiculously wrong, and even obnoxiously wrong. The beauty of my writing this blog isn't to entertain you, or develop your own thought life. It isn't to alter how you view the world, or give you a revolutionary new outlook on life.

It is to write.

My friends, God (the one I claim is the King of my life), has blessed me with a gift of wanting to speak to this generation about the boundaries necessary to live a glorifying, fulfilling, and non-victimizing single life. I think we get so caught up in our Christian culture with the next best book on how to date the right one, how to be the right one, what a perfect marriage looks like, and often times (while they are all helpful) we come up short in our understanding of what to do when we aren't dating the one, aren't trying to become the one for someone else, nor in a relationship or marriage.

My writing is devoted to trying to understand just that. How do I live a single life the way that a single life was designed to be lived? Is there even a design in the singleness of an individual? What if the one is spending his time alone at this moment, or with the wrong "one" in his life? Does that mean that we will never meet? Have I already met him? Does everyone have someone out there?

All valid questions. All questions that are often placed by authors on the spectrum of obvious. I think we commonly get looked over for being single (if you are single that is). It is as though authors, speakers, leaders have assumed that we should already have it taken care of. I mean it can't be that hard to live a single life, right? Hence there aren't many Christian books out there to help us out, because they assume we don't need it.

Well, I don't know about you, but I am willing to be the first to admit that I DO.

I do need direction because, to be quite honest I spent 20 out of my 21 years on this earth screwing up what I was supposed to already understand. I didn't know how to date, nor take care of myself as a single woman. I thought it was supposed to be easy, I thought that because of that fact I must be an entirely horrible individual for screwing up what was so simple. I was wrong.

I think that there is so much justification in the fact that we are ignorant. If it is not written, or spoken about, how can we be expected to know how to live in such a way?

We utilize that to continuously stumble through our own "research": falling in love, crossing physical boundaries, and even leaving the broken behind in our quest to continue to find discovery on our own terms, because no other terms were presented to us.

Well I'm tired. I am sick of not putting down on paper what I truly believe and want to know more about.

Many of you know I'm rather ambitious in working on a book at this moment about living a single life.

I thought it would be a great idea to start working through with you some of my ideas, perspectives.

I welcome the challenge in hearing your input on my thoughts being entirely ridiculous.

I also value your affirmation that some may not be that far off of how life actually is.

Finally, I'm telling you flat out that I'm not grammatically correct, nor conscience of writing technique.

This is me, my thoughts, incomplete and still being worked through, asking for the favor of you helping me find truth to all that I have going on in this crazy head of mine!

I'm not going to become bored and leave you mid-discovery. I am dedicated to working these feelings through.

Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy these next few months!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great idea, I am really excited to see what happens with this!
